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             It is women who most often become victims of so-called crimes   The crime of rape as a clinical case
             and violence based on their gender (it concerns especially such   To be able to analyze problems that rape victims face and to find
             crimes as human trafficking , domestic violence/partner abuse ,   out possible problem-solving paths for students (including teach-
             rape , or sexual harassment ).                      ing materials and plan, which is extremely important in terms
             It is important to underline that in the context of sexual violence,   of understanding the complexity of the problem), it is necessary
             victims affected by this crime are much more likely to be stigma-  to briefly outline the existing legislation in this area. The base legal
             tized and subject to deep-rooted stereotypes than clients in other   act relating to rape is the current Penal Code of 1997 . According
             sections of legal clinics (although this is not a constant rule). In   to the binding article 197 of the Penal Code, the offense of rape in
             addition, the literature has extensively addressed the psycholog-  its basic form is committed when the offender uses force, illegal
             ical consequences of crimes, such as rape . Victims may suffer   threat, or deceit and thus makes the victim have intercourse or
             extreme trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder, ranging from   other sexual activities (Article 197 §2). Article 197. § 1. of the Pe-
             multiple re-experiencing of the traumatic event to various disor-  nal Code indicates that the objective side of an offense consists
             ders, depression, dissociation, etc.                in causing another person to have sexual intercourse or to submit
             Law students in their contact with persons experiencing sexual vi-  to another sexual act or to perform such an act, which is confirmed
             olence are facing a situation that requires not only a comprehen-  by Article 197. § 2. of the Penal Code. According to that provision,
             sive analysis and subsumption of the facts under the existing laws   it is also required that the crime of rape is committed using vio-
             but also an empathetic approach and sensitive consideration of   lence, unlawful threat, or deception. Based on the objective side
             the issues of inequality and discrimination that still exist in the so-  of an offense, rape is a complex crime. As noted by Budyn-Kulik
             cial and legal space. The growing social awareness of the issues re-  “for this crime to be committed, two elements have to be present
             lated to sexual crime, which is still deeply conditioned by gender   at the same time: using a specific method (by force, illegal threat or
             and culture, makes it possible for students to deal with cases of   deceit) to have sexual intercourse with the victim”.
             victims of such crimes as rape or sexual harassment. More victims   One of the problems concerning the crime of rape addressed in
             are coming to university legal clinics and seeking help there, which   the doctrine is the current wording of the provision of Article 197
             requires a comprehensive approach to the above crime from law   of the Penal Code. The literature  indicates that the normative
             students in such clinics.                           content of the provision does not correspond to the criminolog-
             The Legal Clinic at the University of Warsaw has a section deal-  ical content of the crime and that Article 197 of the Penal Code
             ing with cases of gender-based violence and discrimination, that   protects the so-called sexual freedom but does not protect the sex-
             serves not only victims of crimes, but also victims of discrimina-  ual autonomy of the individual. This problem was also recently
             tion and inequality in other branches of law, such as reproductive   brought to the attention of the Minister of Justice by the Om-
             rights, etc. Nevertheless, a noticeable tendency in the Clinic’s ac-  budsman. In his position , the Ombudsman stated that it is cru-
             tivity is an increasing number of cases of victims of rape and sex-  cial to improve the standards of protection against sexual violence
             ual harassment who seek help from students and future lawyers.   and that in the case of rape, the occurrence of the crime should be
             This is a phenomenon of great social importance, which makes   proved by the lack of positive, i.e., conscious, free, autonomous and
             a huge and positive impact, and all efforts should be made to en-  uncoerced consent to sexual intercourse. Sexual autonomy presup-
             sure that victims seek help in such places as a university clinic.   poses the necessity of consenting to sexual intercourse, whereas in
             That should be a space where they are treated with due respect   Polish law the emphasis is on the need to express objection to un-
             and understanding, and where is room for a critical evaluation of   wanted sexual behavior, which takes the form of the so-called vic-
             the existing law.                                   tim’s resistance. This has far-reaching consequences, as a result of
             This study is an attempt to indicate and eliminate potential prob-  which the lack of rape is determined by the lack of use of force, il-
             lems that may arise in the context of dealing with the cases of rape   legal threat or deceit by the perpetrator as well as lack of resistance
             victims. Also, it aims to indicate potential directions of education   by the victim. As Płatek  emphasizes, the lack of the above does
             regarding the ways to provide support for the victims, which should   not prove that the person has consented to sexual intercourse. Due
             be full and comprehensive. It is also important from the point of   to that the element of consent is not included in the current defini-
             view of de lege ferenda conclusions in the context of binding regula-  tion of rape, the victim in the proceedings before the court de facto
             tions concerning the crime of rape in the Polish Penal Code.  must prove that her/him was resisting and that the perpetrator
                                                                 broke such resistance by using one of the ways indicated in the act.
             6   B. Namysłowska-Gabrysiak, Handel ludźmi w celu wykorzystania seksualne-  The inclusion of the element of consent in the definition of rape
              go, 2018, p. XI. The author refers to the European Union statistical report   is also suggested in numerous acts of international law, especially
              on the crime of trafficking in human beings, which contains data for the pe-  in the Convention on preventing and combating violence against
              riod 2010‒2012: „This report shows that in the 28 EU countries, during   16
              the above-mentioned three-year period, there were 30 146 victims of this crime,   women and domestic violence , which was ratified by Poland over
              80% of whom were women. Over 69% of registered victims of trafficking in
              human beings were victims of sexual exploitation and within this population,
              women constituted 95% of the registered cases”.    11   Act of 6 June 1997, The Penal Code, Dz.U 1997 No. 88/553.
             7   B. Gruszczyńska, Przemoc wobec kobiet i reakcja policji w perspektywie międzynar-  12   M. Budyn-Kulik, Przestępstwa przeciwko wolności seksualnej i obyczajności,
              odowej, Archiwum Kryminologii T. XXIX–XXX, 2007–2008, p. 100; U. Nowakows-  [in:] M. Królikowski, R. Zawłocki (eds.), Kodeks karny. Część szczególna, Komen-
              ka, A. Kępka, W. Chańska, Przemoc w rodzinie a wymiar sprawiedliwości, Centrum   tarz do art. 117‒221, 2017, p. 668.
              Praw Kobiet Foundation, 2005, p. 18.               13   M. Płatek, Zgwałcenie. Gdy termin nabiera nowej treści. Pozorny brak zmian i jego
             8   O. Borkowska, M. Płatek, Skala przestępstwa zgwałcenia w Polsce, p. 10–11,     skutki, Archiwum Kryminologii, T. XL, 2018, p. 350; R. Włodarczyk, Kryminal-
              [in:] J. Piotrowska, A. Synakiewicz (eds:), Dość milczenia. Przemoc seksualna wobec   istyczno-kryminologiczne aspekty przestępstw na tle seksualnym, Wydawnictwo
              kobiet i problem gwałtu w Polsce, Fundacja Feminoteka, 2011.  Wyższej Szkoły Policji w Szczytnie, 2015.
             9   J. Smętek, Z. Warso, Cyberprzemoc wobec kobiet. Raport, Helsinki Foundation for   14
              Human Rights, 2017, p. 9‒10.                        nia-ms-odpowiada-rpo [access: 13.12.2021].
             10   A. Czapczyńska, Chcę o tym zapomnieć… Psychologiczne konsekwencje gwałtu,   15   M. Płatek, Zgwałcenie…, p. 285.
              [in:] J. Piotrowska, A. Synakiewicz (eds.), Dość milczenia. Przemoc seksualna wobec   16   Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic
              kobiet i problem gwałtu w Polsce, Feminoteka Foundation, p. 97.   violence, Dz.U. 2015, 961.

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