Page 5 - Klinika Nr 35–36 (40–41)/2023
P. 5


             Criteria 1 – Door to client details and meeting plan.

                         Stages           Discrete communicative language activity   Examples of the appropriate language structures required
             Establish the beginning of an effective                  Greet the client at the door/ usher to the table/ handshakes
             professional relation and working   Icebreaking / establish rapport   My name is/ How should I address you/ Would you like/Have you
                                                                      travelled far
             At an appropriate moment orientate client  Sociolinguistic appropriate communication   The meeting will take/ No fee today, but for future meetings the fee
             to special nature of meeting: confidentially,   – lawyers give information, stopping   will be….. / Anything you say will be treated with the upmost discretion
             fees, mutual obligations and rights,   to confirm consent/understanding of   / Is that ok for ? Here is our contact information/ Do you have any
             duration of the meeting, plan for meeting,   the client  questions?
             method of future contact, in a courteous,
             sensitive, and professional manner.

             Criteria 2 Obtaining information

                         Stages           Discrete communicative language activity  Examples of the appropriate language structures required
             Elicit relevant information about   Listening for specific details in a verbal text  So, what lead you to coming to our office today?/Could you give some
             the problem. This may include non-legal   Note taking    background information about you case?
             problems that are important to the client  Language of concern and interest  Please tell what about the situation/ I see/ Please continue/ uh, huh/
                                                                      Nodding/ show concern/good eye contact
             Develop a reasonably complex and
             reliable description of the problem.
             This understanding needs to be shown   Restate information spoken by the client   So …. /Can I check that I have understood you correctly
             verbally to the client (and the judges)  for clarification

             Criteria 3 Learning the client’s goals, expectations, and needs
                         Stages           Discrete communicative language activity  Examples of the appropriate language structures required
             Learning the client’s goals and initial   Eliciting information  What are your expectations? So, what you hope to achieve is…
             Restate or modify goals and initial   Restate information given by the client  Just so I’m clear ……/ Can I check that I have understood you correctly/
             expectations                 Fact checking questions
                                          Polite modification of a viewpoint  While I understand what you are saying, perhaps it might be better
                                                                      if…../ I’m not sure that is possible because/ It might be better if you
                                                                      considered ……

             Criteria 4 problem analysis

                         Stages           Discrete communicative language activity  Examples of the appropriate language structures required
             The lawyer’s analysis of the legal and non-  Outline a chain chronological events,   So consequently/ As a result of ……………., you ……………/ Apart from
             legal aspects of the problem with creativity  possibly including information such as,   the financial aspect, what emotional effects did this have on you?/
                                          monetary amounts, dates, names etc..  How did you feel about this situation?
                                          Expand and develop on points raised in   Could you explain a bit more about / I was interested when you said
                                          the discussion              …….. / Just so I’m clear, could you expand on ……..
             Convey the problem to the client  Interject and handle interjections by others  So first , then , and consequently ………
                                          Language of empathy         Sorry, but I can just ask/ I beg your pardon for interrupting but when
                                                                      you said……..
                                                                      No, please go ahead / By all means/
                                                                      That’s terrible/ How did that make you feel?/That’s dreadful/

             Criteria 5 legal analysis
                         Stages           Discrete communicative language activity  Examples of the appropriate language structures required
             Perform legal analysis and give legal   Language required for outlining a legal   Based on our preliminary legal analysis, it appears that ….. applies in
             advice that is accurate and appropriate for   position   this situation, which means that ……..
             the particular context                                   To comply with…., we would advise that ……………………..
                                                                      It may be necessary to gather additional evidence or consult with
                                                                      experts in order to strengthen our legal position
             If appropriate, give non-legal advice   Language of analysis and critical thinking  In addition to the legal issues, it’s worth considering……..
             pertinent to the problem                                 To improve the chances of a positive outcome, it may be helpful to try
                                                                      A possible alternative to a lengthy and potentially costly litigation
                                                                      might be mediation

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