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P. 6


             Criteria 6 Developing reasoned courses of actions (options)
                         Stage            Discrete communicative language activity  Examples of the appropriate language structures required
              The lawyer should develop a range of   Making polite suggestions – modal verbs   Based on our discussion and our legal analysis, here are some potential
              potentially effective and feasible options –   for advice  legal and non-legal options that we could consider…/ Each option
              both legal and non-legal – that is consistent  Language of analysis and critical thinking  has its own benefits and drawbacks, so we’ll need to consider each
              with the legal advice that was given  Language required for outlining a legal   carefully/ Let’s review each option in more detail and discuss how it
                                          position                     could be applied in your particular case
                                          Language related to the consequences of   If we decided to ….. / the possible results could be…………
                                          hypothetical actions         Have you tried discussing this issue with…?/ Perhaps just a letter from
                                                                       us might persuade ……….. to ……….

             Criteria 7 Assisting the client to make an informed choice
                         Stages           Discrete communicative language activity  Examples of the appropriate language structures required
              Develop the appropriate balance between   Making polite suggestions – modal verbs   If you feel you don’t want to go through the stress of litigation, may be
              the legal and emotional needs of the client  for advice  consider mediation as an option?
              Assist the client to understand                          Do any of these options resonate with you, or are there other options
              the problems and solutions to make   Language required for outlining a legal   that you would like to explore further?
              an informed choice          position                     Would you like us to go through the options again?
                                          Language related to the consequences of   While …………… might be the cheapest in the short term, it could cause
                                          hypothetical actions         some serious problems for you in the future
                                          Language of empathy
                                                                       We could write these options down so you could read them at home later
                                                                       What do you think about the options we’ve presented?
             Criteria 8 Effectively concluding the interview
                         Stages           Discrete communicative language activity  Examples of the appropriate language structures required
              The lawyer should skilfully conclude                     Thank you very much for coming today, the next steps are………./
              the interview.                                           By (time point) we will have………. / Given the urgency of the situation
              The client should depart                                 I suggest that we next meet ………….
              – feeling reasonably confident                           Moving forward, the next steps are [insert next steps, including any
              – appropriately reassured                                deadlines or important dates]. As your lawyer, we will [insert lawyer’s
              – with a clear understanding of                          role and responsibilities]. You will be responsible for [insert client’s role
              the subsequence specific steps and mutual                and responsibilities].
              obligations                                              Before you leave, do you have any final questions?
             Criteria 9 Teamwork

                         Stages           Discrete communicative language activity  Examples of the appropriate language structures required
              The lawyers collaborate together and work   Turn taking  Do you want to ………………/ Can you …….?/ Do you have any more
              as a team in a flexible way. Participation               questions for the client?
              should be balanced          Building on a teammate’s comments  Thank you, I’d just like to add/ Sure, ……….
                                                                       I’d like to add to the point my colleague has just had / Also…..
                                                                       Nodding/ show concern/good eye contact

             Criteria 10 Ethical and moral issues
                         Stages           Discrete communicative language activity  Examples of the appropriate language structures required
              The lawyers should clarify any ethical issue             Let me explain the ethical implications that apply in this situation /
              raised during the interview                              Based on what you’ve told me, it seems to us there may be some ethical
                                                                       implications to ………
              Based on what you’ve told me, it seems like
              there may be some ethical implications to                I understand what you’re saying, but I think you should consider
              [insert action or strategy].                             the ethical implications of……….
                                                                       I think it’s important to consider how doing that might affect …

             Criteria 11 Post interview reflection period
                         Stages           Discrete communicative language activity  Examples of the appropriate language structures required
              The lawyers reflect on emotional aspect of   Reflective language  How did you feel the interview went?/ Did we get the right
              the interview, the strengths and weaknesses              balance between the legal and emotional needs of the client during
              of their interviewing skills, the most                   the interview? / Did we effectively communicate the legal advice and
              important elements of the clients legal                  potential options to the client, and did the client seem to understand
              and non-legal problem, how they dealt                    and feel reasonably confident about the next steps? /Do you feel that
              with the ethical element of the case and                 we dealt with the ethical issues appropriately? What could we have
              the follow up.                                           done differently or better during the interview?
                                                                       What are the next steps we are taking?
                                                                       I think we did well on …….. , but maybe we should have ………
                                                                       Overall, I think we did well , but ……………….

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