Page 12 - Klinika nr 25 (30)/2018
P. 12
w procesie o ustalenie ojcostwa i skłaniają do ponownego podjęcia for several decades are the subject of a doctrinal discussion. The article
dyskusji nad wykładnią przepisów art. 84 i art. 85 KRO. contains an overview of doctrinal views on this issue, as well as a di-
scussion of the most important arguments contrasted with this way
Słowa kluczowe: ustalenie ojcostwa, nasciturus, prawo cywilne of establishing fatherhood towards the child in the prenatal period
and the evaluation of their timeliness. The publication also indicates
Judicial determination of the paternity of the latest achievements of medical sciences, which bring a new light
a conceived child to the problem of evidence in the process of establishing paternity and
encourage to resume the discussion on the interpretation of the provi-
Summary sions of art. 84 and 85 KRO.
The subject of the analysis is the admissibility of a judicial determina-
tion of paternity towards a child in prenatal period. The issues discussed Keywords: determination of paternity, nasciturus, civil law 1(171) rok akademicki 2018/2019 11
KLINIKA 25(30) 2018.indd 11 28.01.2019 14:42