Page 18 - Klinika nr 15 (19)/2013
P. 18
Issues of housing deposit refund in case of long-term In addition to the main subject of analysis, due to the fact that the ar-
residential tenancy agreements ticle is based on a case-study, cross-representation of spouses and for-
mer spouses (including partners) has also been noticed. Tis problem
Summary afects both the situation where housing deposit was paid by one of the
Te aim of the presented article is to discuss the issue of housing deposit spouses, but the rented unit served their common housing needs during
refund in case of long-term residential tenancy agreements. Tis prob- their marriage, as well as a situation where the marriage was dissolved
lem is of great practical importance, particularly because of the more during the rental period. Conclusions relevant to the latter situation,
common occurrence of repurchase of the units rented from municipal can also be referred to informal relationships.
housing administration institutions in the 70s and 80s of the last cen-
tury by its tenants. Due to the specifc subject of the analysis, this paper Keywords:
discusses the rules for determining the law applicable to recently sub- housing deposit refund, claim for deposit return, long-term residential
mitted claims for return of the housing deposit paid under provisions tenancy agreements, valorization of a beneft, cross-representation of
thereafter abolished, lapse of the claim for return of the deposit and the spouses
valorization of the beneft.
Akademia Prawa
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