Page 29 - "Klinika" Nr 37-38 (42-43) 2024
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także wiedza na temat uwarunkowań kulturowych i społecznych domestic violence, carried out in the section on prevention of violence
oraz szeroko rozwinięte kompetencje miękkie. Tak świadczona po- and gender discrimination of the Law Clinic in the Faculty of Law of
moc prawna pozwoli na jak najbardziej wrażliwe oraz efektywne dla the University of Warsaw. The author- in this paper- reflects on what
osoby klienckiej zrozumienie kwestii braku identyfikacji, a także causes the lack of awareness of domestic violence survivors about the di-
pomoże prawnie poradzić sobie z doświadczaną dyskryminacją. scrimination they experience, assuming that it is caused by the ste-
reotyping that operates in the public consciousness. One of the ways
Słowa kluczowe: przemoc domowa, dyskryminacja, juryspruden- to address this problem on the ground of student legal clinics is to equip
cja feministyczna, świadomość społeczna future legal professionals with the appropriate competencies. After all,
it should be pointed out that the issue of domestic violence is a complex
Lack of knowledge and awareness among domestic phenomenon, which means that not only extensive substantive know-
violence survivors regarding the experienced ledge of the law, but also knowledge of cultural and social conditions, as
discrimination and means of protection – well as extensively developed soft skills are needed to handle domestic
the perspective of students working in law clinics violence cases. Legal assistance provided in this way will allow the issue
of lack of identification to be addressed as sensitively and effectively as
Summary possible and will also help to legally deal with the discrimination expe-
The purpose of this paper was an attempt to present possible solutions rienced by the client.
to the issue of lack of identification by the survivors their partner’s be-
haviour as domestic violence. The above-mentioned problem was noticed Keywords: domestic violence, discrimination, feminist jurisprudence,
as a result of the Author’s involvement in several cases in the field of social awareness
28 KLINIKA Nr 37–38 (42–43)/2024